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April 2006 Prayer Letter

April 2006 Prayer Letter

Posted by

Dear Praying Friends,

            Praise the Lord for the continued opportunity to serve Him.  Psalm 68:19 says, УBlessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefitsЕФ  What a benefit it is to know that our Savior is risen and that He has given us the honor and responsibility to carry the Gospel to those who are lost in their sins.

            The Lord continues to prosper and keep me in a special way as I travel to my meetings.  What a blessing to have had the opportunity in March and April to share in churches from Rhode Island to North Carolina the ministry that the Lord has prepared for us.  Please continue to pray as I travel to churches in Michigan, Virginia, Illinois, West Virginia, and Georgia during the remainder of the month of April and during the month of May.

            Yes, the day continues to draw closer.  As I write today, there are just 66 days more until I will marry the most wonderful young lady in the entire world.  God has marvelously supplied living room furniture, a washer and dryer, and a bedroom set for our apartment.  We thank Him for giving us such a beautiful place in which to live our first married days together.

            Thank you so much for your prayers for my safety.  The Lord proved very definitely to me this month His watch-care and protection.  I traveled 400 miles from Michigan to my home in Ohio on a Monday.  On Tuesday, I was planning to head out for meetings on the East Coast.  While I was running errands prior to leaving, my car began to make strange grinding noises.  I was only two blocks from my mechanicТs house when the problems occurred, so I proceeded to drive to his shop.  He quickly identified the problem as failed brakes and had my car repaired within two hours.  This problem could have taken place on the road between Michigan and home or on the endless expanse of the Pennsylvania turnpike, but the Lord had everything perfectly planned.  God is so good.

            We had several more churches take us on for support and we have now eclipsed the 30% mark.  Please be much in prayer as we ask the Lord for 50% of our support by the time that we are married.  Also, please pray that the Lord would help me to schedule new meetings for the end of this year.  The airline tickets for our survey trip must be purchased soon, so please pray that the Lord would help us to find the lowest fares possible.

Rejoicing in our Risen Savior,

Robert Stover, Jr.


Field Contact Info:
Robert & Sara Stover
Casilla 317
Tacna, Peru
South America
E-mail: rstover22@yahoo.com
Vonage: 330-238-4944

Sending Church:
Carrollton Baptist Temple
Pastor David Powell
1211 Lincoln Ave. NW
Carrollton, OH 44615

Stateside Contact Info:
Macedonia World Baptist Missions
P.O. Box 519
Braselton, GA 30517

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