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September/October 2015 Prayer Letter

September/October 2015 Prayer Letter

Posted by

Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus!  Deuteronomy 32:4 says, “He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he.”  I love the words that marvelously describe the wonderful God we serve: Rock, perfect, truth, just, right.  Let’s praise, worship, and serve Him today!

Stewardship Conference
We were privileged to have Pastor Richard Roca and his family from Arequipa come to be with us.  God used him to preach helpful messages centered on consecrating our time and talents in the work of the Lord.  His message titled, “What Do You Have in Your Hand,” was a special blessing to my heart, speaking of how God used Moses and his shepherd’s staff to accomplish mighty things.  Our people were encouraged to use whatever the Lord has placed in their hands to serve Him.

Work Days
We praise the Lord for His provision and protection as we roofed the 3rd floor of our church building.  Construction in Peru is usually done in phases, as finances allow. The cement roof is a big improvement over the rough metal one we had before that let in water and various pests.    We worked with men and women from our church, and everything climaxed with a huge workday to pour the concrete.  We were encouraged to see such a good spirit and to see many sacrifices of our people’s time and ability to accomplish this large task.  The improved space is already being used to accommodate several Sunday School and children’s classes.










Bus Ministry
God has continued to open many doors to reach children through Saturday Bible clubs and Sunday morning bus routes. We have been able to see an upwards of 50 children and teenagers, along with several mothers on Sunday mornings.   Please pray for the salvation of these precious ones, and for wisdom for those who faithfully teach them.  We currently have 1 vehicle that is able to bring about 15 children, and the rest arrive in cars, taxis, and public transportation.  Please pray with us about the possibility of purchasing a larger vehicle, with the goal of bringing more children to church to hear God’s Word preached and taught.

October 8th, I had the privilege of performing the marriage ceremony for two young people in our church.  José and Lucia are both faithful servants, and it was a blessing to see God work in their lives and bring them together.  What a wonderful testimony to others to see a young couple who strove to please the Lord throughout their courtship and to do things the right way!  Please pray that God would help them to have a Christ-honoring marriage and would guide them as they seek His will concerning future service.










Prayer Requests
-Health and a safe delivery of the new baby, due in early December
-Christmas Sunday, December 20th, program and outreach
-Wisdom for purchasing a vehicle for our family (We currently have about 90% of the needed funds.)
-Wisdom as we plan and prepare for summer ministry opportunities
-That Sara, Josiah, and Lydia would be able to get their residence visas soon

Thank you for your sacrificial prayers and giving.  Without you, we would not be able to do what we do.
In the love of Christ,
Robert, Sara, Josiah, Caleb, Joshua, Lydia, and Zachary Stover



Field Contact Info:
Robert & Sara Stover
Casilla 317
Tacna, Peru
South America
E-mail: rstover22@yahoo.com
Vonage: 330-238-4944

Sending Church:
Carrollton Baptist Temple
Pastor David Powell
1211 Lincoln Ave. NW
Carrollton, OH 44615

Stateside Contact Info:
Macedonia World Baptist Missions
P.O. Box 519
Braselton, GA 30517

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